Discover Flying-Robots' range of hybrid soft-wing UAVs

an exciting new future of aerial transport for heavy loads.

The highlight of the International Paris Air Show 2023

Fascination for Flying Robots by Xavier Tytelman, Air et Cosmos. A revolution in the world of drones with flexible wings, thanks to their carrying capacity, endurance, low consumption, and cruising speed beyond 120km/h.

Our UAVs offer unparalleled capabilities for transporting heavy loads


Our outstanding features

come from a 20-year experience in design, conception and automation of soft-wing systems. Originally inspired by the developments in the powered paragliding sport, they are currently recognized as the most energy-efficient air system in terms of payload transport per kg and per km.

As a result, we can achieve significant savings in both costs and CO2 emissions per km/kg transported.

Such an aircraft

benefits from an extremely lightweight empty structure, thanks to the flexible wing that has no solid and heavy framework, allowing our aircraft to carry a payload of more than 50% of the total weight, while rotor aircrafts can only reach 25%.

These capabilities are further increased thanks to the excellent aerodynamic ratios of our new types of flexible wings, whose profiles are the best in the world.

Our soft-wing architecture

with its large payload volume and significant load capacity, is particularly well-suited for hybrid, electric, and hydrogen engines.

Our architecture with a permanent opened «parachute», provides the highest security standards within the UAV industry.

Our product range

consists of UAVs designed and manufactured in France, offering various sizes, with multiple wing options customized for specific mission requirements, including cargo transport and surveillance.

A unique concept

Soft Wing

Our wings combine the stability of traditional powered paragliding wings with the performance achieved in competitions. Lightweight and resistant, they don't require a rigid structure.

Adjusting the payload capacity based on mission requirements is easily achievable.


Thanks to our robust yet aerodynamic design, our innovative airframe maximizes performance.

With its orientation capability, it acts as either an additional lift or a foil, providing a significant increase in speed.


A technological feat that establishes a perfect synergy between the airframe and the wing.

Our autopilot, equipped with a unique software based on the Model-Free Control Law, manages the pendulum system's interactions in all flight conditions.

For versatile and multiple types of missions


Our innovative flexible-wing architecture provides a superior solution with many pros:

Exceptional payload capabilities

over hundreds of kilograms

A large volume capacity

up to 5 m³

Ability to fly long distances

over thousands of kilometers

High level of safety

due to an architecture with an effective permanent «parachute» opened

Low fuel consumption and easy maintenance

Roll-on / roll-off system deployment

with short takeoffs and landings on unprepared runways

Ability for multi-dropping various loads at different mission points

Easy dismantling and transportation in a container or standard vehicle

With all these characteristics, our soft-wing solution stands out as the best option in the market. It provides an unequaled combination of performance, security, cost effectiveness, and ease of use.


The payload of our drone can be replaced by sensors, including heavy and large ones, for various surveillance missions with:

30 flight hours autonomy

A plug-and-play technology

Sensors that can be easily upgraded

A low-noise, population friendly and military stealthy resilient UAV

This versatility makes our surveillance UAV one of the most adaptable in the world.

The last 10 years have been intensive, filled up with a lot of research, technological developments and successful flight tests.

The initial demonstrators of Flying-Robots have accumulated 2000 flight hours, a record in the field of autonomous soft-wing aircrafts.

These initial demonstrators have been recognized by prestigious organizations from both civil and public sectors.

Reducing the environmental footprint of flight is at the heart of our project.

Our soft-wing technology solution stands out by offering the best ratio between energy consumption and payload.

Bio fueled diesel, Hybrid, Electric, or Hydrogen

Our propulsion system is clean and adaptable to existing and future types of motorization.

Sustainable and Recyclable Materials

Our approach ensures that our UAVs are manufactured with sustainable and recyclable materials, including polyester foams, Linen fiber and bio resins.

Do not require heavy infrastructures

Our UAVs do not require heavy infrastructures to operate.

Designed for flexible missions

We optimize the use of our UAVs for precise and environment friendly tasks, reducing unnecessary flights and enabling a quick response to any crisis, where air support logistics may be required.

Due to its inherent design, operational efficiency, and positive environmental and societal impacts, our solution serves as an innovative and valuable contributor to address the challenges of an ever changing environment.

Flying-Robots is a subsidiary of the Icare Group

Its team consists of highly experienced soft-wing pilots and designers, composite design, test and production system engineers, in addition to automation specialists, and aerospace professionals.

Flying-Robots is supported by renowned international entities who act as:

Frédéric Montagard

Director, Technology Intelligence, Assessment & Insertion

“Thales is encouraging this new kind of drone adventure, which is taking on new technical challenges.”

Christian Bachellerie

Technical Director, Research and Exploration

“[…] With such specifications, the FR600 model from Flying Robots would enable Daher group to further include a complementary effective air freight transport offer in its logistics services portfolio at a significantly lower cost and last but not least, a very reduced carbon footprint compared to existing aerial vehicles used today (helicopters and twin-turbine planes)”

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